Monday, May 18, 2015

Tribute to Tāne

The central motivation of this piece is the hexagon and pentagon. The hexagon represents macrocosm, everything larger than ourselves, whilst the pentagon represents microcosm, the smaller scale down to the minute. 6 is the number of structure whilst 5 represents life.
I carefully duplicated the dimensions of the areas in-between the two shapes, and rotated them into position (shown in white) forming a crafty composition of the classic Māori ‘Wheku’ design in a most striking and simplified manner.
The ‘Wheku’ design not only displays a face but expresses the foundation of our reality ‘Te Ao Marama’ through mnemonics subtly presenting the great feats of Tāne-nui-a-rangi who brought light and knowledge into our realm.

I view Atua-Māori as inter-dimensional energies macrocosmically beyond, yet microcosmically integrated within us through our spiritual and astral bodies. This system shows how consciousness is within oneself yet simultaneously throughout the universe all at the same moment.

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